the Sophisticated Hippie
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Authentically Lived
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Bad at Therapy
I'm bad at therapy.
Actually, I think I was made for therapy. Everything about me screams "that girl would rock a therapy session." I'm your typical "overthinker." I take everything I see or hear or feel and I overthink the shit out of it (did I forget to tell you there would be cussing now?) the point that I can single handedly work myself into a downright tizzy within minutes (sorry babe!) However, instead of being this quiet, in-her-head-mysterious chick, I want, no need, to talk about everything. Oh yes! Not only will I overthink every single thing, but I need you to overthink it too. I need you to talk it out with me. I'm a firm believer that if the whole world could just "talk things out" we would all get to a better place. Not at first. At first there would be bad ideas, arguments and maybe even some name calling. But....if we could push through that, and learn to listen to each other, oh the places we could go. Pair this personality type with a little trauma and you should have the star student in a therapist's office.
I've wanted to try out the therapy thing for a long time, but for one reason or another it was always put on the back burner. Life has been hard lately. I know everyone's "hard" is different, but mine was starting to catch up with me. I had gotten to the point that all I wanted to do was cry, and I didn't really truly know why. Yes, things around me were happening, hard things, feelings I didn't want to feel, but all things, if happening at separate moments, I could handle. The problem was that I felt them all piling up at once. I simply couldn't get in the right head space to tackle it. Every day felt like waves washing over me. I would finally get my head above water and another one would take me out. It was at this point that I knew there was something deeper going on. So, I sent a text and made a call and just like that, my first therapy session was booked!
As the days grew closer, I was nervous but mostly excited. I had spiraled so hard mentally that I needed a professional "unspiraler" and I had finally found one. Someone to help me talk this out. I sat down for my first session, ready to roll! "So, tell me a little about yourself?" At this point, I'm pretty sure I opened my mouth, word vomited everywhere and then blacked out. Every single thing that has been couped up in this brain for the past 40'ish years all came out in the most unorganized and random way possible. I interrupted my own sentences to start a different one. I jumped from one topic to another and then back to the first. Bless her heart, this therapist wrote and asked questions and did her very best to keep up.
Flashbacks to Billy Madison keep replaying in my head
"What you just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent, response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
After it was all over, I overthought my entire drive home. Therapy hangover is a real thing y'all! However, getting all of it out and off my chest to someone that I believe, in time, can help me organize it to the point of understanding it...understanding myself, was so much more helpful than I could ever imagine.
This is the point where I tell you that if you're struggling, if you've got the waves washing over you, hell, if you just need someone to talk things out with, then send the text and make the call. Start it now and we can share stories on how horrible and great it is at the same time!
Quotes from the week:
"I looked for joy. I looked for peace." Rachel Hollis
"You will get there. Until then. Be Here. This Moment Matters" Unknown
Friday, February 7, 2025
New Blog, Who Dis?
10 years, 1 decade, and about 3 lifetimes. That's how long it's been since I've written about my life. I started this blog back when it was the hot new thing! There was no snapchat. There was no tik tok. There was Facebook and blogs. Wanted to learn what was going on in someone's life? If they had a blog, you were set! If you were looking for a new recipe? Sure! Just read this 3-page narrative of why it's important first. I started mine because I was 4 hours from home and all the people I knew (except my then husband,) and we had just found out I was pregnant. The easiest way for me to keep everyone updated was to write it all out once and publish it for all to read. Looking back now, the value of it is so much deeper. I've spent the past several days rereading and reliving it all. From where I'm at now, it feels almost like reading someone else's story, but having the memory of it in your own head. It's the strangest, out-of-body feeling, feeling.
My goodness was my daughter adorable! Rereading those stories were my favorite. 10 years later, at almost 16(!), she has become the coolest, most introspective young person I've ever known. Don't get me wrong, we've had our days! Raising a teenager is not for the faint of heart, but it's the greatest thing I'll ever do.
So what does this look like going forward? I'm not sure. As a middle-aged divorcee, single mom, who is in a committed relationship, it could go literally anywhere. Ha!
Why am I bringing it back? Writing has always been something I've done to help me organize my thoughts. I used to think my personality was "Type A Scatterbrain," now I realize it's probably a little undiagnosed adhd. Either way, if I write it down, it seems less "spirally." Also, if I'm being transparent, I'm hoping someone will read it and say "You too!? I thought I was the only that felt like that!" and then maybe they comment and then maybe we both feel a little less crazy.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Blogspot's Back, Alright!
Time to dust off the 'ol blog.
Friday, August 14, 2015
the First of Many Firsts
Peer pressure. You might think I'm silly for worrying about peer pressure at 5, but it starts somewhere. That first day away from mommy and daddy all day...having to make decisions completely on her own. It happens over time, very slowly. Sure, right now it might just be "hey, you shouldn't play with her because she has cooties" but then it's "hey, I don't like her. We should take her book away!" Next thing you know, "here, try this!" I realize that she's not gone for good. I understand that today, when I get off work I will go home and she'll be there. We will talk about her day. She will tell me all the fun new things she did and about all the new kids she played with. We will continue to do this each day. Hopefully, most days will be good. She will have only good stories to tell me. Inevitably, there will be days that aren't as good. She'll come home and tell me about it and we will talk through it: What happened, how she acted, how she felt and what might be done different or the same next time. It gives me comfort to know that while she might be more independent after today, she is never ever alone, and the one thing that we both know how to do well is talk :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Lessons on hospital living
When an emergency happens, whatever has happened or going on in your life stops. All your energy and time is focused on taking care of that emergency. When you come back to what your life was before, you will have a fresh pair of eyes, roll with it...
Appreciate the little victories. It's the little ones that allow you to take steps to the big ones! Any progress is good progress. Celebrate peeing without the help of a catheter! Eating a whole bowl of oatmeal is way better than eating half of a bowl, regardless of the size.
If you know you are going to be staying more than a day, find your spot in the waiting room and claim that bad boy!! You don't have to be rude about it. Just leave enough stuff there that says "hey, I know I'm not here at the moment so it's completely acceptable for you to sit in those chairs, but when I get kicked out of my patient's room, y'all are gonna have to move."
Picking the right sleeping spot is paramount! If you have to choose between a semi-soft chair and a concrete venting ledge, I recommend the ledge. That is, of course, if it's short enough that if you get the urge to jump off it (because you just might,) you don't end up on floor B (otherwise known as the ER). You can bring pillows or blankets from the hospital room to help with the padding and you'll be able to stretch your legs, and you MUST stretch your legs. Bad things happen to your knees and joints when you can't stretch your legs.
If you notice another tiny pseudo home across the waiting room that's been there as long as you have, buy the owner some coffee or something to eat. It might just be a mother who's teenage daughter is fighting for her life in a coma. She will tell you that she doesn't need anything, but buy it for her anyway.
Look for and appreciate any silver lining you can find. The 6th floor waiting room just might have a wall of windows allowing you to see some of the most breathtaking sunsets.
"Hospital teeth" are a thing. Really. Even if you can find a bathroom on the floor that's decent enough to brush your teeth, it's just not the same. I don't know if it's the air, the hospital food or what, but just know it'll happen, so bring mints. The mints probably won't help but bring them anyway.
Pack extra underwear. And that's all I have to say about that.
A hat and/or bandana can do wonders covering up hair that hasn't been washed in days. On another note, it's a great start to going "no-poo" if you've been wanting to try that sort of thing (see?..silver lining stuff.)
You CAN get by on concealer and cheap mascara.
Bring concealer. I know, you can't worry about makeup and all that junk in the hospital, but chica, when you don't sleep longer than two hours at a time, you'll thank me.
It's imperative that you accept help when it is offered. For some of us, that's really really hard to do, but no one can do it all.
I've heard it over and over, but never understood it until now: the nurses you have make all the difference in the world! It's unbelievable how true this statement is.
Peace out little corner of mine! Please be kind to the next occupant...
...on to rehab...
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
DIY Deodorant
hippie-esque; "all-natural". Refers to the crunch of granola, which (as goes the stereotype) hippies are likely to eat.
I would not consider myself full-on crunchy, mostly because there are some things I just can't give up (while I like being barefoot in the grass, my heels are an accessory I will not relinquish and I just kind of like the smell of my salon shampoo. I must say that I tried the whole "no poo" thing, but thats for another day.) Plus, living in this tiny little town, there are some things I can't find and are not easily accessible. I seriously have to drive 40 minutes to get goat cheese, and that's not even the organic kind!
Back to deodorant. There are so many reasons why it's a smart choice to ditch the "deodorant" (notice the quotations.) Yes, even during these summer months. Just do a quick Google search of "ingredients in deodorant" and you'll have plenty of reading material. That's not even going into the antiperspirant realm. Don't even get me started!
When I first started the research on this "hot" topic, I tried some of the natural brands and let me tell you, they just didn't get the job done. So, in true crunchy fashion, I decided to just make my own. I tried it once and the rest is history. It worked so well and the benefits are amazing: super cheap, no nasty chemicals, and you can personalize your scent depending on the essential oils you use.
I'm not sure who originally came up with the recipe, but I've seen it everywhere with a few tweaks here and there.
What you need:
Baking soda
Corn Starch
Coconut Oil
Essential Oils (optional)
This is so simple that you really don't need the pictures, but why not?