So, last night I had a dream that I was racing...over bridges. Big, wobbly, bridges. Now, if you don't know me, know that I'm deathly afraid of heights. I mean terrified. I have never set foot on a ferris wheel and don't even joke with me about riding a roller coaster. I have a couple of recurring dreams that take turns replaying in my sleep. In both of them I am either walking or driving along a bridge. Every. Single. Time the bridge begins to shake and breaks in half and I am either left stranded or start to fall into the water until I wake up. Back to my dream last night. I was running/sliding (you knowing everything is a mishmash in dreams) along all these bridges and not one of them even swayed. I remember feeling a little nervous at first but after the initial start I coasted right through and won the race.
I woke up feeling a little energized and felt like I should be taking something from it. Is this Gods way of telling me to not give up? Face what I'm facing and it will get easier eventually. I don't know. What I do know is that I am suppose to get something from it. It felt like a reassurance of something, which is a good thing because right now anything that shows me that I'm not just wasting my time living out of my suitcase for 5 months is okey dokey with me. But more on that later.
Until then, thanks for reading!