Thursday, September 6, 2012

What dreams may come

      I had forgotten how therapeutic it was to write until I wrote that last post, so alas, here I am again.  Screw the "over your data usage" mumbo jumbo. This girl is gonna write. 
     So, last night I had a dream that I was racing...over bridges. Big, wobbly, bridges.  Now, if you don't know me, know that I'm deathly afraid of heights. I mean terrified.  I have never set foot on a ferris wheel and don't even joke with me about riding a roller coaster.  I have a couple of recurring dreams that take turns replaying in my sleep.  In both of them I am either walking or driving along a bridge.  Every. Single. Time the bridge begins to shake and breaks in half and I am either left stranded or start to fall into the water until I wake up.  Back to my dream last night.  I was running/sliding (you knowing everything is a mishmash in dreams) along all these bridges and not one of them even swayed.  I remember feeling a little nervous at first but after the initial start I coasted right through and won the race.  

I woke up feeling a little energized and felt like I should be taking something from it.  Is this Gods way of telling me to not give up?  Face what I'm facing and it will get easier eventually.  I don't know. What I do know is that I am suppose to get something from it.  It felt like a reassurance of something, which is a good thing because right now anything that shows me that I'm not just wasting my time living out of my suitcase for 5 months is okey dokey with me.  But more on that later.  

Until then, thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gone, but not for good

This long lost blog post is coming from my mommas rocking chair at 530 in the morning and being written on my cell phone.  Yes, this has been my life for the past 4 months.  Ugh.  The last four months. Where do I start?  A lot has happened.   So much, in fact, I probably should save that for another time.  But until then, know that I haven't left for good.  Believe it or not, I've actually had people express their dislike for the fact that I haven't posted anything since like March.   I really wasn't sure many people read it. You know, voluntarily.

All this to say, whether its for you or for me, I'm not gone, just away for a while trying to get my life in some kind of order.

And for those of you who read this for pictures of Jesalyn, she is still just as perfet as ever!  I would post a picture of her but I can't seem to get it to work from my phone.   =)

thanks for reading....