This was the first night and also the first hotel we stayed in.We had to stop due to the fact that we were about to run into a tornado. I know this tv says Arizona, but I loved the "The Great Tornado Hunt" logo. Perfect.
This was the tv screen the next day. We stopped in Kentucky to get gas and I just happened to overhear someone say that there were a bunch of interstates closed going in Nashville. Ugh! Time to get the good ol' credit card out again. One more night in a hotel.
This was right after we got out of the car to go into the hotel. All three of us were wet and cold and tired
Jesalyn, loved the trip! She didn't have a chance to get bored once =)
We ended up turning around the next day and staying at my mom's in Illinois for a few days before we were able to make it to Nashville. It turned out to be a pretty horrific ordeal and while I'm making light of our trip, a lot of people were affected by the flood and several people lost their lives. We are just so lucky to have not been right there in the middle of it.
I will say, I did get to see this for so many hours and each time I looked, I just had to smile:
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